Prayer Network
Welcome to the PRAYER NETWORK
It was over twenty-five years ago when one of the Pallottine Fathers was inspired with the idea to begin The PALLOTTINE PRAYER NETWORK. His dream was to connect as many people as he could to join in prayer for the intentions of one another and our world. His dream became a reality when invitations were sent out to people asking them to join this special prayer group. The response was great and has grown throughout the years. There are now almost 500 members of the PALLOTTINE PRAYER NETWORK who are spread from Hawaii to New York, and Puerto Rico to North Dakota -- and of course, hundreds of members in between. Together the members pray a daily prayer and pray for the intentions that are sent to them. There is such power in prayer and we celebrate the inspiration of this humble and prayerful Pallottine who began this prayer connection from sea to shining sea. Please continue reading more details about our PRAYER NETWORK...
The PALLOTTINE PRAYER NETWORK consists of men and women, youth and elders, religious and laity, along with many families who are willing to set aside a few minutes each day to pray for the needs of the world, our Church, our government and religious leaders, the poor and the rich, those suffering from addictions and abuse, the immigrants and outcasts, the hungry, sick and dying, the homeless, the lonely and the stranger. These intentions, along with other requests and personal needs, are prayed for daily by all members of the PALLOTTINE PRAYER NETWORK.
The power of prayer is extraordinary, so please consider becoming a member. Each member receives a certificate of membership, a wallet-sized membership card and every three months all members receive a listing of prayer requests. In addition, members also receive a card of prayer and reflection on a special theme for each month.
There is an address listed at the bottom of this page for you to send in your request to join us and/or there is a computer link at the bottom of this page for you to "click on" and register to become a member of the PALLOTTINE PRAYER NETWORK. God bless you!
This month's theme for February is: Prayer to return to Sacraments
One of the often repeated petitions found on our Network prayer list is the desire of people to have some family member(s), friends or even themselves come back to receiving the sacraments.
Even though most people don't show it on the outside, I believe deep down in their hearts they feel "bad" when they don't go to communion, confession or church anymore. Even after years of not "going or receiving", many people, I believe, would come back to the sacraments if someone (probably us) would just invite them to come along.
I know this sounds a little simplistic. I'm aware that many young people today find religion and church boring or unimportant in their lives. I know that there are people out there with angry feelings toward the Church and God because of something that happened in their lives. Some say they are too busy to be bothered about such things. These are important issues.
All the more reason for us to pray this month for those so close to coming back and for those a long way away from God that they may once again be enlivened and enriched by the sacraments.
PRAYER for February 2023
L: I will leave the ninety nine on the hillside, says the Lord.
R: And go in search of my lost sheep.
Christ our Savior, great indeed is the love You have for Your peoiple. The Gospels tell us how often You sought out the lost, called sinners back to You, and took pity on the crowds.
We ask You now to be with those who have drifted far from Your Church and the sacraments. Help them realize that only in You will they find the peace and happiness they long for in life.
Let them feel again the attraction of Your invitation - "Come to me all you who labor and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you," - that they may return again to the spiritual life You give us in the sacraments.
May we, their friends, relatives and neighbors, do our best to lead them back to You through the good examples we show in our lives. We ask this trusting in Your care. Amen.
(Prayer and Reflection published with Ecclesiastical Permission.)
If you would like to join our Prayer Network
please complete the form below on this page or write to:
The Pallottine Prayer Network
5424 West Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, WI 53208-3097